MicroK8s is a CNCF certified upstream Kubernetes deployment that runs entirely on your workstation or edge device. Being a snap it runs all Kubernetes services natively (i.e. no virtual machines) while packing the entire set of libraries and binaries needed. Installation is limited by how fast you can download a couple of hundred megabytes and the removal of MicroK8s leaves nothing behind.


snap install microk8s --classic --channel=1.17/stable


sudo microk8s.status
microk8s is running
cilium: disabled
dashboard: disabled
dns: enabled
fluentd: disabled
gpu: disabled
helm: disabled
ingress: enabled
istio: enabled
jaeger: disabled
knative: disabled
linkerd: disabled
metrics-server: disabled
prometheus: disabled
rbac: disabled
registry: enabled
storage: enabled


Enable addon

sudo microk8s.enable storage dashboard ingress

Disable addon

sudo microk8s.disable dashboard

Common addons

  • dns: Deploy DNS. This addon may be required by others, thus we recommend you always enable it.
  • dashboard: Deploy kubernetes dashboard as well as grafana and influxdb.
  • storage: Create a default storage class. This storage class makes use of the hostpath-provisioner pointing to a directory on the host.
  • ingress: Create an ingress controller.
  • gpu: Expose GPU(s) to MicroK8s by enabling the nvidia-docker runtime and nvidia-device-plugin-daemonset. Requires NVIDIA drivers to be already installed on the host system.
  • istio: Deploy the core Istio services. You can use the microk8s.istioctl command to manage your deployments.
  • registry: Deploy a docker private registry and expose it on localhost:32000. The storage addon will be enabled as part of this addon.

More microk8s to come - Service, deploy, ingress, helm, istio, knative and openfaas.